A few weeks ago I accidentally spilled a cup of coffee onto my computer. Wow, what a mess and what a costly spill!

There was the obvious instant damage but that only got worse as the hard drive had been compromised and became more corrupted over time.

That is how your ego mind works. You make or take a spill – an upsetting event where you feel upset and react with knee-jerk decisions in that negative state. Those decisions get locked into your unconscious mind and then act as triggers which lead to feeling discomfort, stress and pain in current life situations. It often feels like you have lost control over your life and your feelings. But that is only the ego mind code in operation.

Whenever you are feeling fear, negativity or pain you have identified the ego mind code is running your human computer.

However, you have the power to make the ultimate mind shift into feeling better about any situation.

A fast and effective way to relieve stress and make the mind shift necessary to feel better is to use the 4 Questions found in all the CODEBREAKER PLATINUM books.

Here they are. Develop the habit of using them daily and they will become automatic ego mind code breakers!

  1. What am I feeling?
  2. What am I focused on?
  3. What do I want to feel?
  4. What focus will serve that?


As you diligently keep course correcting out of the ego mind code into the Divine Mind Code you increasingly live with happiness, joy, love and good health as your baseline.

Let’s us know how the 4 questions changed your life!

With love always,

Sandra and Daniel

PS… We invite you to join us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheBiskinds and follow us on Twitter  or Google +

#Love #Enlightenment #Empowered #Inspired #Freedom #4Questions