The mind, an energetic field of thought,
is broadcasting fields.
A new process called magnetoencephalography (MEG)
reads the fields without even touching the body.
~ Bruce H. Lipton, Ph. D. ~

What are you feeling? Principle 6 in The Success Principles is “Use the Law of Attraction.”

It is a powerful chapter by a master who writes from first hand experience. It is helpfully elaborated as Principle 57 — “You Get What You Focus On.” While the examples in this chapter are oriented to wealth and abundance, the principle is universally applicable.

What you are thinking, both consciously and unconsciously, is always broadcasting fields. What you think determines what you experience in your life. So being aware of your thoughts is of overarching importance.

Instead of constantly observing your thoughts, what if there was an indicator, like on an airplane pilot’s control panel, where there was just one critical instrument (or maybe two or three, at most) which you had to maintain awareness of? And as long as it was in the correct zone, you didn’t need to watch anything else? Only when it slips out of the desired zone do you need to check in with more detailed instruments and readings.

The Four Questions is a powerful inquiry technique that utilizes your internal GPS — your feelings. It is based on the use of mindfulness, which is simply observing yourself without judgment. It is self-awareness. This exercise cultivates your emotional intelligence.

Use it to connect with your true north, your True Self.

codebreaker_awarenesscvrThis simple set of questions will change the way you feel from one moment to the next. As you practice and become proficient, this technique will become second nature and you will use it like auto-pilot to course-correct automatically.

Use it whenever you feel yourself moving away from your natural state of peace and love.

Answer the questions truthfully and spontaneously. Stay focused on the answer to question four as long as you can.

What follows is an example only, taken from the third book in our International #1 best selling CODEBREAKER PLATINUM series, AWARENESS: Discover How Life Really Works. Use your own words and the wisdom of your own heart to answer the questions.

1. What am I feeling? ~ I feel unsettled.

2. What am I focused on? ~ Nothing is ever good enough.

3. How do I want to feel? ~I want to feel clear and certain.

4. What focus will serve that? ~ My True Self/higher awareness always provides guidance I can trust.

Our clients and students enthusiastically report that using The Four Questions will develop mindfulness and cultivate emotional intelligence more easily and quickly than you will believe possible!

Sandra and Daniel Biskind
#LawOfAttraction #4Questions #Enlightenment #Awareness #InternalGPS
#SuccessPrinciples #JackCanfield