“If we are going to insist on identifying with just the little self in here, then others are going to bruise it, insult it, injure it. The ego, then, is kept in existence by a collection of emotional insults; it carries its personal bruises as the fabric of its very existence. It actively collects hurts and insults, even while resenting them, because without its bruises it would be literally nothing.” ~ Ken Wilber

Your very DNA has been encoded with limiting beliefs that are sticking points to success. It was such a shock to me during a recent workshop when I discovered some of the beliefs and stories I had been running since birth.

Imagine if you thought you could never do anything right – that you were facing the wrong way – I was breach born – and could never birth anything successfully with out pain and trauma. Life throws you challenges based on your beliefs, so you can imagine how excited I was to discover why I felt like I had to work so hard to be successful.

Thoughts like these are stored in and communicate through your DNA. They keep the ego mind fully employed in it’s role of keeping you small and in pain, at the mercy of others’ opinions and beliefs. Sounds crazy when you say it like that, doesn’t it? Isn’t it time to shift into a new code and stop collecting pain and insults?

What are your sticking points? Does your code keep you from believing you are smart enough, beautiful enough, deserving of success, love and happiness?

It’s not hard discovering the emotional blocks to being able to manifest the life you want. When you are feeling fear, negativity, resentment or insulted you know you are reacting to the ego’s conditioned responses that keep you small, disconnected and unhappy. This is not necessarily a bad thing. You can use those feelings as your GPS readout to help you course correct into another code.

  1. Track your thoughts back to the moment you felt off course.
  2. Whatever the trigger, know the ego is telling you a story and it is not true.
  3. Forgive yourself, remain compassionate and kind to the most important person in your life – you!

Love coming your way from LA,
Sandra and Daniel


#LovesEmissary #Enlightenment #Kindness #Compassion #BestVersionOfYou