Meditation is all about you. It is a personal journey into your heart where you get to rest and re-balance. Where you can spend a few minutes to catch your breath from the frequently overwhelming world you live in.

By immersing YOURSELF in the high powered activations to PLATINUM the benefits of guided meditation are countless:


  • Improves mental clarity
  • Provides relaxation
  • Aids post operative healing
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Enhances energy
  • Increases emotional stability
  • Improves relationships
  • Decreases the aging process
  • Increases productivity
  • And so much more!

The ego, is a master at finding reasons and excuses to put off doing this one important practice that is guaranteed to improve health, happiness and success. Have a look at what your resistance is to giving yourself 15 minutes a day, or even every second day to really connect into that place of peace where your creativity resides.

If you have not purchased the CODEBREAKER PLATINUM MEDITATION BUNDLE yet, make an appointment with yourself to begin. Get them individually for only $26 each or download the entire bundle now for only $97!

Just go to this page to get yours today.

If you suspect there may be unconscious issues undermining your intentions, consider using the Quantum Neutrality process from the CODEBREAKER PLATINUM books to neutralize any programs that may be sabotaging your best efforts. Check them out here!

Will you join us today on this meditation journey? Are you ready to become the best version of you?

Download this incredible meditation bundle right here… and then join us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter or Google+.

Feel free to share your questions, your struggles or your successes with us. We look forward to personally connecting with you!

Love Always, Sandra and Daniel