We need to understand that thoughts are tools.
Are we using them as productively as we can?
Are our thoughts serving us well, or are we their victims?
It’s up to us.
~ Dr. Tom Morris ~

So, what are you thinking? In Jack Canfield’s magnum opus, The Success Principles, the number one priority is to take 100% percent responsibility for your life. It’s the perfect opening chapter and the perfect first principle.

Of course you’ve heard this before — but, are you living it? Taking ownership of your life is the most empowering single thing you can do. In reality, you are the screenwriter, the director, and the star of the movie that is your life. Not only are you the producer, you are even the casting director! Seeing your life from this perspective makes being a victim nonsensical. After all, who wrote the script?

codebreaker_awarenesscvrWith higher awareness, you know you are the cause. Without higher awareness, you think you are the effect, i.e., the victim. With your innate faculty of higher awareness, you automatically get the big picture and can see the forest — not only the trees.

In the third book in our International #1 Best-selling CODEBREAKER PLATINUM series, AWARENESS: Discover How Life Really Works, we present some powerful ways to cultivate your higher awareness and easy to use inquiry tools to enable you to master your thoughts and train your mind.

Sandra and Daniel Biskind


#LawOfAttraction #JackCanfield #Awareness #Intuition
#CodebreakerPlatinum #TheBiskinds #Enlightenment #SuccessPrinciples