indexYour highest priority is your own wholeness – isn’t it time to get free from your inherited and past life trauma and fears to live as the phenomenal being you were born to be.  It’s time to understand the different fears and how to deal with them.

I’ve just finished a private coaching session and, once again, fear has shown up in more than one of its many different forms. Sometimes it’s bold and in-your-face and can’t be denied. Sometimes it’s sneaky and disguised as anger or anxiety or depression. And sometimes it appears as inexplicable inhibition—simply holding yourself back from living a full, whole life.

Everyone talks about trying to master it. But that’s like trying to master the ego mind rather than training it. It doesn’t work to befriend it, ignore it, or just stare it in the face and hope it goes away.

Fear is a multi-dimensional creature that requires a multi-dimensional response.

I have encountered many kinds of fear in my own life and have helped thousands of people navigate, side step and overcome the effects of fear.

Here are a few of them…

Nervous Fear

Sometimes what feels like fear is actually a message from your body. When you are about to step onto the stage, or something important and life-changing is about to happen, you might feel nervousness in different areas of the body. This is an invitation to be the best version of you rather than a warning. This is the kind of fear we celebrate because it energizes us into stepping out into the world as our best self.

Danger, Danger, Danger – Warning Fear

This is your Intuition—or your inner GPS—on red alert. It is the legitimate fear that shows up to tell you a course correction is necessary in order to avoid injury or harm. Your Intuition can be an invaluable resource and shouldn’t be ignored. In fact use it or lose it!

Ego Mind Fear

This is the fear that tells you to stay small, to not ask for too much, in order to avoid guilt, shame and blame. It’s also the fear that tells you to protect yourself from being open to love because love leads to disappointment, abandonment and grief.

This is the most sneaky of all the fears. Hard to pin down, it’s got a million ways that it lies to you. It’s the kind of fear that many personal development books tell you to befriend. However, making a friend of an unconscious fear never works in the long run–it just gives you more to be frustrated about.

This fear needs to be examined and then deconstructed so that it doesn’t control you. And that is exactly what happens when you use the Quantum Neutrality Process, which is described in all our books in the CODEBREAKER PLATINUM Series.

Ego Mind Fear Compounded by Trauma

Trauma has a way of embedding fear so deeply into the body that it is hard to understand let alone control it—much less try to conquer it with a few self-help tips. Trauma can change you so fundamentally that it’s been known to alter not only your DNA, but also the DNA you pass down to your children. Some of your fears have been inherited from generations past and, on a multi dimensional level, from your past lives.

Trauma-induced fears are often irrational and frequently unconscious. They can flare up at the slightest trigger, causing a fight, flight, or freeze reaction that you can’t understand. To treat this kind of fear like the others never works. It would be like giving an over-the-counter pain killer to a cancer patient and telling them to go home and think good thoughts. Instead, you need to seek out the right expert who can provide support, tools and techniques to help you understand and transform the long-term impact of these unconscious fears.

Here’s a place to start…

Pay attention to your thoughts and your body. Where are you feeling the fear in your body? What is your body asking of you? What do you need to do to be kind to your body in that moment of intensity? Your body understands things your brain doesn’t know how to process, so you need to learn to communicate with it.

An honest inquiry can help you discern whether the fear is rational or irrational, a warning or an invitation.

Use The 4 Questions to determine what kind of fear you are dealing with.

  1. What am I feeling?
  2. What am I focused on?
  3. What do I want to feel?
  4. What focus will serve that?

If it’s an ego mind unconscious trauma-induced fear, then conventional coaching and therapy may or may not work to alleviate its negative consequences. The ego mind’s unconscious thought process wants you to stay small, fearful, and separate from the love that you are. It will ruthlessly undermine efforts to displace it.

To move into greater freedom and authenticity it is invaluable to neutralize the emotional charge around the original event and subsequent decisions that are the source of the trigger in the first place—and then delete their effects.

It may be time to seek professional help. You might consider using the Quantum Neutrality Process, the ground breaking new human technology we use that can free you from the sabotaging effects of these fears instantly.

Seek out what’s best for you. Do the work that serves your wholeness and makes you stronger.

And remember, you can be sure: fear is always the absence of love.

Love Always,
Sandra and Daniel xxx
Transformational Life Coaches, Speakers and International #1 Best Selling Authors of The CODEBREAKER PLATINUM Series

PS… Everyone has fears and negative life patterns that put a glass ceiling on their ability to have the love of their life; more prosperity and better health and vitality.  If you have any of these fears now, it could be time for you to talk to us to see if you are a fit to work together as a private client or in a group coaching setting.

Feel free to call us and to discuss how you can move beyond your unconscious fears and past-life programs to have the love, prosperity and vitality you deserve. We would love to hear from you… or 1-747-200-1177 (Pacific Time USA Monday-Friday only please.)