When you develop heart brain coherence, you will literally begin to experience the world in a completely different way.

What words come to mind when you think about your experiences over the past year?

Chaos, anger, separation, fear, anxiety, uncertainty…

This is what we’re hearing from many of the people we know.  Was this how your year felt?

It’s time to put the negativity of the past year behind and focus on how you want your future to look and feel.

What do you really want for yourself?

Peace, Love, Happiness, Health, Joy, Unity, Success, Abundance…

There is a way you can have all of that.

Heart Brain Coherence

Our heart possesses a network of 40,000 neurons called “sensory neurites” which provide a direct line of communication to the brain.

According to neuroscientist, Sarah Garfinkel, every time the heart projects blood, it pings pressure-sensitive receptors that send signals to the head. “The brain essentially flashes each time the heart beats,” she says, “and the degree of signal in the brain corresponds to how fast and how hard the heart is beating, so the brain is in dynamic, constant communication with the heart,”

From your early days in middle school health class, you probably remember that your brain tells your heart and other organs to perform…

But what could your heart possibly have to tell your brain?

The answer is… EVERYTHING!

Your emotions are reflected in your heart rhythm patterns. When you’re feeling the low frequency codes of stress, fear, frustration or other types of negativity, your heart rhythm patterns look chaotic. Scientists call this an “incoherent heart rhythm pattern”

You may have noticed that when you experience these low frequency feelings, your creative thinking is impaired, you have trouble sleeping, your immune system gets disturbed, sometimes you even feel sick.

Your heart is now controlling your mental and physical processes.

However, when you’re living in the high frequency of your soul’s 8 superpowers…

Peace, Love, Awareness, Trust, Integrity, Neutrality, Unity and Mindfulness – PLATINUM – you’re creating a state of coherence (“coherent heart rhythm pattern”). 

Your heart rhythm patterns look smooth, ordered and stable. 

Your heart is happy, healthy and telling your body’s systems to synchronize and work better. It enhances your ability to think clearly, learn, remember, reason and make optimal decisions. 

Heart Brain Coherence means you’re living in peak performance! 

  • Stress is reduced (reduction of level of cortisol).
  • Your immune system is elevated
  • Anti-aging hormones are released (DHEA)
  • Nervous and digestive systems are at peak performance
  • Sleep quality improves
  • Energy levels increase
  • Focus and concentration improves
  • Improvement in problem-solving skills.
  • Increased resilience – it will be easier to overcome difficult situations and get back to a high frequency state of love, gratitude and forgiveness.

Heart Brain Coherence also enhances one of the most important things you need in your daily life: your intuition. You’ll be able to make wiser decisions.

It’s time you learned how to intentionally experience these positive emotions that affect your heart rhythms and your overall well-being. 

We invite you to immerse yourself in this Heart Brain Coherence Meditation. Calm your heart and enter an optimal state of relaxation, growth, creative thought, and peaceful connection to the world around you https://bit.ly/HeartBrainCoherence