Have you ever found yourself saying,“If only I had not said that?” Or even, “Where did that come from? That’s not how I normally act.”

Do you find yourself wishing you could stay in a more balanced place around certain people and situations?

Corrupt SoftwareIf your answer is yes, it’s time to identify which code you are operating from and then to neutralize the triggers, which are usually unknown reasons, causes and sources that led to this unwelcome behavior in the first place.

Your ego mind code is in full swing and can cause all kinds of damage. Even when you thought you had a good grip on your emotions they will pull you in a direction you do not want to go. That is because a person, place or event has triggered an unconscious program that makes you feel out of control and insecure.

When that happens trace your thoughts back to when the discomfort first showed up as emotional disturbance.

Switch codes and get neutral to the events, emotions and decisions associated with the programs using the Source Code process.

  1. Discover the thoughts that triggered you; there is always a fear-based thought system involved.
  2. Delete the emotional charge by stating – “I neutralize and delete the ideas, beliefs and patterns associated with this program on a spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, psychic and psychological level. I delete all karma and habitual thinking related to this program.”
  3. With unconditional love, forgive your programs and the programs of anyone who has triggered an emotional response.
  4. Feel the freedom, relief and lightness of being when you have “let go” of unconscious blocks to your happiness and success. Really immerse yourself in this feeling. Breathe into it and lock the Divine Mind Code into place!

You can follow the same 4 steps to the source of the problem whenever you feel fear, negativity or pain. As you do this, you create a new baseline of peace, acceptance, and happiness in your life.

Here’s to living in the heart of the Divine as the love that you are—to your ever-growing peace, love and happiness.

With much love always,

Sandra and Daniel Biskind

P.S. Join Sandra every day this week on FACEBOOK for a new series of “2 Minute Refresh” PLATINUM meditations to help you stay balanced and calm.


#Inspired #Empowered #Enlightenment #LovesEmissary
#Meditation #Peace #BestVersionOfYou