No matter the change you are seeking in your life, you can’t achieve it if you aren’t in a state of love www.thebiskinds.comDid you know that you can’t create change in your life if you’re not in a state of love? It’s true!

Consider the challenges you may be facing in your own life. Loneliness, overwhelm, exhaustion, frustration…

Are there others?

No matter the change you are seeking in your life, you can’t achieve it if you aren’t in a state of love.

Love is the only thing that creates change. It’s who we are.

The divine mind code is all about love. In a PLATINUM state of mind you operate in the divine mind code. PLATINUM is the master password that unlocks success on all levels of your life. It represents the aspects of your True Self of Peace, Love, Awareness, Trust, Integrity, Neutrality, Unity and Mindfulness.

Are you in a state of Love? Are you happy for no particular reason – you’re just happy? Do you love and appreciate the people in your life? Do you have enormous gratitude even when things aren’t going the way they should?

If you answered yes to those questions then you are in a state of love!

If you answered no to any of them then you are not in a state of love. You are operating in the ego mind code.  In this state, you make knee jerk reactions; say and do things without thinking about the consequences; weakening your body, mind and soul.

How could any positive change take place in this state?

Recently I had the opportunity to record a podcast episode with Rúna Magnúsdóttir, the CEO of The Change Makers.

It’s a quick little podcast but so powerful!

Click the link below to listen

Remember, love is who you are.

Love always,

Sandra and Daniel