You are so much more than what your physical senses reveal. You are far more than the mere sum of your automated programs, conditioned thinking, and mindless self-talk.

You are a PLATINUM being and you are perfect.

PLATINUM is the key that unlocks your mind to awaken your consciousness and liberate you from your unconscious personality programs.

The eight high frequency beingness states that comprise the PLATINUM master password are:

Peace, Love, Awareness, Trust, Integrity, Neutrality, Unity, and Mindfulness.

Each key word in the PLATINUM master password is a symbol for a high frequency aspect of our True Self.

If you’ve been longing to experience life… to experience peace, true love and real joy, you must ask yourself, “How can I influence my energy, my frequency and my state?”

Since none of these things depend on external factors, you have to consider what internal factors control them.

You must empower yourself to become your own codebreaker and upgrade your life on every level–not only spiritually but also on the levels of wealth, health, relationship success and happiness.

Only then can you fully experience the joy and happiness that is a life of wholeness.

Make the shift from your head to your heart. Break free from the ego mind code into the divine mind code, from fear to love.

The benefits from implementing the energy and mind training system in CODEBREAKER: Discover The Password To Unlock The Best Version of You have been proven to be second to none – as Jack Canfield said, “CODEBREAKER is spirituality made practical in the voice of contemporary spiritual masters!”

Here’s to Your Brilliance, Happiness and Success,

Sandra and Daniel Biskind

  1. Would you like to live a life you’ve designed? One that isn’t controlled by unconscious programs? What if you could uncover the hidden codes that have been running your life and neutralize them once and for all? Great news! Now you can! On March 6th, Quantum Source Code begins. Quantum Source Code will allow you to manifest your own vision for 2019. Attract the right kinds of clients, attract the level of income you dream of and best of all, relax and naturally attract the right kinds of relationships and opportunities into your life. Click here to join us for Quantum Source Code and get ready to reprogram your DNA for success!