Image of couple driving in convertible.If you truly desire financial freedom, you must break the ego mind’s hold over your life.

In fact, true success in every area of your life… relationships, work, finances and health require ego mind training in the high frequency attributes of integrity and trust.

The lack of integrity in the world of business and government is so widely known and deplored that sometimes “corporate integrity” is called an oxymoron. The Global Financial Crisis was triggered in 2008 by a systemic lack of integrity in business, financial and governmental institutions.

Financial challenges can be overwhelming. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Am I accountable, truthful and willing to work toward a solution that is for the highest and best good for all?


  1. Do I lie, deny, run for cover and pretend it isn’t happening?

Integrity never compromises the long term big picture for short term gain.

This is true in every aspect of life: intrapersonal, interpersonal, in health, and in the world of business.

Integrity inspires trust; it is the key to earning the trust of others and is invaluable to successful, effective leadership.

Integrity is such a compelling state that most people will support you when you tell the truth and work toward resolving a problem with a win-win solution. Anything less will always make the problem worse.

When we display trust and integrity people want to follow us, listen to us, and learn from us. Obviously integrity is a critical component for success.

Are you beginning to see how integrity can play a big part in getting a promotion, closing a deal, bringing in a new client and enjoying tremendous amounts of financial abundance?

As we attune to the high frequency integrity code and weed out the programs that conflict with it, our natural ability to discern right from wrong and our inner strength to follow through naturally assert themselves.

How do we get it?

  • With Trust in and commitment to our purpose.
  • By integrating all the aspects of our True Self—embodying all the attributes of the PLATINUM master password and neutralizing the programs that conflict with it.

How do we lose it?

  • By operating in the ego mind code; by playing games and practicing denial; by losing our connection to our True Self.

Ultimately, integrity is a personal choice. But, to enjoy a PLATINUM state of mind, to operate in the divine mind code, and to live a PLATINUM life, it’s not optional—it’s imperative

Letting go of stress and re balancing yourself is as easy as taking a few deep breaths – join Sandra in taking a few deep breaths, relax and find your perfect point of power in TRUST and INTEGRITY!

To Your Brilliance, Happiness and Success,

Love Always,

Sandra and Daniel

PS… If you’re struggling financially then you are typically under unusual stress and pressure. There is negative mind chatter, guilt, shame and blame. You’re going into failure mode and don’t even know it. You’re still struggling to succeed on the outside but on the inside, you’re shutting down and preparing to fail.

In order to switch from failure to success, you must reconnect with all that you are and become the best version of you. Be compassionate with yourself, build yourself up, do what you’re great at, do what you LOVE and are passionate about so when others see you, they want to work with you. Your love vibration is so high that people don’t even know why they want to work with you! They just do!

The Unstoppable Life 21 Day PLATINUM Experience offers intensive results-focused modules designed for IMMEDIATE self discovery. It was created to set you up for success; to identify the pitfalls that are keeping you at your current level and to work through the blocks to get back on track so you can live as the best version of you.  Your new life begins today. Are you ready to join us? http://bit.ly21DayUnstoppable